Fixing Wireless Internet Connection Problems in Windows 10

No Wi-Fi drivers found after latest Windows 10 upgrade or wireless drivers is not showing up in Device Manager settings.

Is wireless internet connection not working after windows 10 system update, then here is the best solutions to fix this Wi-Fi not working issue.

Try to follow all possible solutions to get raid of Windows 10 Wi-Fi not working or Wi-Fi won't turn on problem on your laptop, desktop or tablet.

For online asset go with the following source for accurate solution for no wi-fi issues.
When you come across these issues,

  • Wi-Fi or the wireless adapter driver is not updated.
  • If reinstalling Wi-Fi drivers doesn't help, the problem may be triggered by unsupported VPN software present during the Windows 10 upgrade.
Windows 10 Wi-Fi Problem: No Wireless Internet Connection and No Wi-Fi after Windows 10 Update

Using Command prompt to fix no Wi-Fi after Windows 10 Update

Follow the steps below carefully. Modifying any settings  in registry will be serious problems might occur, back up the registry to avoid any further issues.

Step: 1

Type cmd into the search box on the taskbar and open with "Run as administrator" from right-click option.

Step: 2

Enter the below command line and hit the Enter key:

reg delete HKCR\CLSID\{988248f3-a1ad-49bf-9170-676cbbc36ba3} /va /f

Step: 3

Enter the below command and press Enter once more:

netcfg -v -u dni_dne

Step: 4

Restart the system and goto Wi-Fi settings. Now revived list of available networks.

Step: 5

If you receive the error 0x80004002 after running this fix, either the register key was not deleted or the key that needs to be deleted is slightly different.  Open Regedit and navigate to the key: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{988248f3-a1ad-49bf-9170-676cbbc36ba3}.  Delete it if it still exists.

Note: These solution more effective if your using VPN on your system case. 

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